Monday, February 25, 2019


by Dan Wells
335 pgs  (Mirador series #1)

In the year 2050, everyone is constantly connected to the Internet via their djinni, a smart device implanted directly in their head. The djinni serves as a communication device, computer, GPS, house key, bankcard, and a host of other functions all at once. People are able to plug devices and drives directly into their djinni and download new software, games, and anything else they want 24/7. Marisa and her friends Anja, Sahara, Fang, and Java, who call themselves the Cherry Dogs, spend most of their time immersed in virtual-reality games and plan to eventually become professional "Overworld" players.

One day, Anja buys a new "plug-in" on the street called Bluescreen and brings it back to the Cherry Dogs to try. It's supposed to have a drug-like effect on users, but when Anja takes it, her behavior is alarming. She behaves as if she's in a trance for a period before eventually losing consciousness. Marisa and the group start investigating who's behind Bluescreen and what it's intended to do to those who use it, but their investigation puts their lives in danger.

Bluescreen is a smart, tech-savvy science-fiction thriller that was written for a slightly younger audience, but it should appeal to anyone who enjoys the genre. It's the start of a series that has two follow-up books already out.

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

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