Monday, November 11, 2019

Adjustment Day

by Chuck Palahniuk
316 pgs

I've made the decision it's time to move on from Chuck Palahniuk, and I don't feel guilty. It's him, not me. I can't keep reading garbage books just because every once in awhile he writes a great one. I know they can't all be Fight Club, or even Rant, but do the misses have to be so terrible? I wish he could be like so many other authors and right average to pretty-good books most of the time and then every once in awhile knock it out of the park. But Palahniuk never writes an average book. It's either a home run, or he falls and knocks himself out trying to get out of the dug out.

Adjustment Day wasn't worth my time to read, nor is it worth the additional two minutes it's taking me to write this.

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

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