Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Ships of Earth

by Orson Scott Card
382 pgs  (Homecoming series #3)

The Ships of Earth is the third volume in Orson Scott Card's Homecoming series. Nafai, his wife, and the rest of the group the Oversoul led out of Basilica, are traveling through the desert to where the ancient starships were left 40 million years ago. If they can get to them without killing each other first, they can take the ships back to earth.

The story Card is telling is interesting, but mostly because I'm familiar with the source material he pulled from. I'm enjoying seeing how he's taken that original religious story and converted it into an epic science fiction tale. I'd enjoy discussing the book with someone who had no idea it wasn't 100% Card's and see what they thought of it.

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

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